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Quick links to selected peer-reviewed publications
Hunter, WhiteFeather. “Mooncalf Menstrual Meat (MMM)”, Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/10304312.2023.2231666
Hunter, WhiteFeather, et al. “BioArt Coven Manifesto”, Earthkeepers Handbook: Heal the Man, Heal the Land. 2023. 199-202. Print.
Hunter, WhiteFeather. “M is for Menstruation”, musings: food, feminism, fermentation 2021. 2021. 52-54. Print.
Hunter, WhiteFeather. “W is for Witchcraft”, musings: food, feminism, fermentation 2021. 2021. 92-95. Print.
Hunter, WhiteFeather. “The Witch in the Lab Coat: Deviant Pathways in Science”, Limina : A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies 26.2. 2021. 14-29. Print.
Bioart Coven. “BioArt Coven Manifesto”, OCCULT STUDIES, Vol. 2: Revolution. 2021. Print. Snake Hair Press.
Hunter, WhiteFeather. “Mooncalf: ‘Unclean Meat’”, Technoetic Arts : a Journal of Speculative Research, Vol. 18, No. 2-3. 2020. 205–22. https://doi.org/10.1386/tear_00039_1.
Mackenzie, Louise, et al. “Body Shopping: Challenging Convention in the Donation and Use of Bodily Materials through Art Practice”, Technoetic Arts : a Journal of Speculative Research, Vol. 18, No. 2-3. 2020. 279–97. https://doi.org/10.1386/tear_00045_1.
Hey, Maya, WhiteFeather Hunter, and Emilie St-Hilaire. “Chapitre 3. Horizontal Exchange, Relations, and Resistance in Bioart and Practice-based Research”, Journal international de bioéthique et d'éthique des sciences, Vol. 30, No. 4. 2019. 69-89. https://doi.org/10.3917/jibes.304.0069
Choukah, Sarah, WhiteFeather Hunter, and Tristan Matheson. “Slimedia: Physarum as Medium and Cultural Mediator”, Slime Mould in Arts and Architecture. 2019. 121-47. Print.
Hunter, WhiteFeather, and Molly McKinney. “COVID-19 and the Embodiment of Disruption: Assemblages of Agency and the Turducken of Chaos”, Biotechne: Interthinking Art, Science and Design, Bloomsbury.
Hunter, WhiteFeather, et al. “Laboratory ‘craft’ – Tissue Culture, Microbiology and the Production of Biotextiles”, Bloomsbury World Encyclopedia of Textiles.
Hunter, WhiteFeather. “Working Bibliography: Humans as Food for Microbes; Human Microbes as Food”, Centre for Sustainable Practices in the Arts (CSPA) Quarterly.
Hunter, WhiteFeather. “Performing Bureaucratic Theatre in Academic Science Fields, a case study: The Pheromone Trees and Coyote”, Synthesis: An Anglophone Journal of Comparative Literary Studies 15. 2022.
Hunter, WhiteFeather. “Phenomenology of Menstruation: (Bio)artworks Within a Feminist Occult”, Passepartout, Journal of Art Theory and History. No. 44.
Hunter, WhiteFeather. “Blood Magic in Biotech”, Routledge Companion to Performance and Science.