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The Witch in the Lab Coat was a PhD research-creation and scientific research project exploring the intersection of feminist witchcraft and tissue engineering through the development of a body- and performance-based laboratory practice. This work was conducted at SymbioticA International Centre of Excellence in Biological Art in the School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia. Additional laboratory facilities included at the University of Montreal, University of Ottawa and the DZNE (German Center for Neurodegenerative Disease) at Charité Berlin.
The Witch in the Lab Coat includes the sub-project, Mooncalf, an original research by WhiteFeather, which is a scientific and cultural exploration of the development of menstrual serum for use in tissue culture, as well as stem cell isolation from menstrual blood. This research was featured by Merck/ Sigma-Aldrich for International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021, as part of their #nextgreatimpossible series. This work was presented by Art Laboratory Berlin as part of the MATTER OF FLUX programming, offered in collaboration with FEMeeting 2023. More information on the MATTER OF FLUX exhibition is here.
Read more about the project on We Make Money Not Art, here. This research is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada through a Doctoral Fellowship, the Australian Government and the University of Western Australia. Additional support has come from Art Laboratory Berlin.